Sunday, January 8, 2012

In the beginning....

  Jessica and I have decided to become farmers. We actually decided this a long time ago so this is probably old news to you..but I thought I would explain why we have chosen this path.

  Some people are born into farming. They spend their childhood farming and continue farming into their golden years. Some people have never been to a farm but often long for the day when they can spend their time in a garden or playing with chickens. Some people just want to support their family in a way that works for them and is a more acceptable lifestyle.

Our issues with modern society and government controlled food supply is what fuels our want to be farmers. We love the peacefulness of our secluded land and the opportunity to spend our time together as a family.

We have a small farm in West Virginia where we are currently building our house. We have chickens and goats and this year we will add pigs. We are planting a 3,200 square foot bio-intensive market garden and hope to successfully provide our friends and family with most of their vegetable needs.

This blog will expand as the season gets closer and we will add a lot of photos. In the meantime all are welcome to talk to us if you are interested in becoming more self sufficient or come up for a visit.

See you soon.


  1. My friend Iggy (Derek) said you guys are currently farming because you wanted to make that change... I feel a lot of what your saying about government controlled food... How did you guys make the switch very curious! BTW I think it's awesome that you found your way :-)

  2. Thanks for the inquiry! We lived in the city of Charleston when we decided to be farmers. My family owns some land in rural WV so we leased 75 acres off of them (mostly woods), and started planning. We bought 16 baby chickens and built a coop out of pallets and scrap tin we found and on our days off we would drive forty minutes to our future farm and rip out old fencing or cut brush. We started building our house and bought some goats. Our house will be finished in a couple months and we will have bees, pigs, chickens, turkeys etc... we raised turkeys for this past thanksgiving and did very well with it. I had to learn how to butcher them though but its not that bad.

    It's all a matter of making the decision and making it happen no matter what.

    Justin Shaw Steele.
